Экспозиция фотоаппаратов в музее киноконцерна Мосфильм в Москве - Sputnik Молдова
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Фото - "Я не могу их бросить" - женщина поселила дома 480 кошек и 12 собак

Такую большую "армию пушистых" Мариам аль-Балуши, жительница Маската (столица Омана) собирала почти 10 лет.

В Маскате, столице Омана, женщина создала в своем доме настоящий приют - вместе с ней живут 480 кошек и 12 собак. На содержание такой армии пушистых Балуши ежемесячно тратит почти восемь тысяч долларов. Однако, по словам хозяйки кошек и собак, расходы её не смущают, ведь хвостатая компания спасает от депрессии.

"У меня в жизни был мрачный период, и они спасли меня, помогли сохранить жизнь", - говорит Мариам.

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© AFP 2024 / Mohammed MahjoubMaryam Al Balushi feeds her pets in her home Oman's capital Muscat on November 20, 2020. - Despite complaints from neighbours and mounting expense, she has accumulated 480 cats and 12 dogs, describing her pets as a mood-lifter and better companions than her fellow humans.
Марьям Аль Балуши кормит своих питомцев в своем доме, столице Омана, Маскате - Sputnik Молдова
Maryam Al Balushi feeds her pets in her home Oman's capital Muscat on November 20, 2020. - Despite complaints from neighbours and mounting expense, she has accumulated 480 cats and 12 dogs, describing her pets as a mood-lifter and better companions than her fellow humans.
© AFP 2024 / Mohammed MahjoubMaryam Al Balushi feeds her pets in her home Oman's capital Muscat on November 20, 2020. - Despite complaints from neighbours and mounting expense, she has accumulated 480 cats and 12 dogs, describing her pets as a mood-lifter and better companions than her fellow humans.
Марьям Аль Балуши кормит своих питомцев в своем доме, столице Омана, Маскате - Sputnik Молдова
Maryam Al Balushi feeds her pets in her home Oman's capital Muscat on November 20, 2020. - Despite complaints from neighbours and mounting expense, she has accumulated 480 cats and 12 dogs, describing her pets as a mood-lifter and better companions than her fellow humans.
© AFP 2024 / Mohammed MahjoubMaryam Al Balushi fondles one of her cats at her home Oman's capital Muscat on November 20, 2020. - Despite complaints from neighbours and mounting expense, she has accumulated 480 cats and 12 dogs, describing her pets as a mood-lifter and better companions than her fellow humans.
Марьям Аль Балуши держит одну из своих кошек в своем доме в столице Омана Маска - Sputnik Молдова
Maryam Al Balushi fondles one of her cats at her home Oman's capital Muscat on November 20, 2020. - Despite complaints from neighbours and mounting expense, she has accumulated 480 cats and 12 dogs, describing her pets as a mood-lifter and better companions than her fellow humans.
© AFP 2024 / Mohammed MahjoubMaryam Al Balushi feeds her pets in her home Oman's capital Muscat on November 20, 2020. - Despite complaints from neighbours and mounting expense, she has accumulated 480 cats and 12 dogs, describing her pets as a mood-lifter and better companions than her fellow humans.
Марьям Аль Балуши кормит своих питомцев в своем доме, столице Омана, Маскате - Sputnik Молдова
Maryam Al Balushi feeds her pets in her home Oman's capital Muscat on November 20, 2020. - Despite complaints from neighbours and mounting expense, she has accumulated 480 cats and 12 dogs, describing her pets as a mood-lifter and better companions than her fellow humans.
© AFP 2024 / Mohammed MahjoubMaryam Al Balushi feeds her pets in her home Oman's capital Muscat on November 20, 2020. - Despite complaints from neighbours and mounting expense, she has accumulated 480 cats and 12 dogs, describing her pets as a mood-lifter and better companions than her fellow humans.
Марьям Аль Балуши кормит своих питомцев в своем доме, столице Омана, Маскат - Sputnik Молдова
Maryam Al Balushi feeds her pets in her home Oman's capital Muscat on November 20, 2020. - Despite complaints from neighbours and mounting expense, she has accumulated 480 cats and 12 dogs, describing her pets as a mood-lifter and better companions than her fellow humans.
© AFP 2024 / Mohammed MahjoubMaryam Al Balushi feeds her pets in her home Oman's capital Muscat on November 20, 2020. - Despite complaints from neighbours and mounting expense, she has accumulated 480 cats and 12 dogs, describing her pets as a mood-lifter and better companions than her fellow humans.
Марьям Аль Балуши гладит одну из своих кошек в своем доме в столице Омана Маскате - Sputnik Молдова
Maryam Al Balushi feeds her pets in her home Oman's capital Muscat on November 20, 2020. - Despite complaints from neighbours and mounting expense, she has accumulated 480 cats and 12 dogs, describing her pets as a mood-lifter and better companions than her fellow humans.
© AFP 2024 / Mohammed MahjoubMaryam Al Balushi fondles one of her cats at her home Oman's capital Muscat on November 20, 2020. - Despite complaints from neighbours and mounting expense, she has accumulated 480 cats and 12 dogs, describing her pets as a mood-lifter and better companions than her fellow humans.
Марьям Аль Балуши гладит одну из своих кошек в своем доме в столице Омана Маскате - Sputnik Молдова
Maryam Al Balushi fondles one of her cats at her home Oman's capital Muscat on November 20, 2020. - Despite complaints from neighbours and mounting expense, she has accumulated 480 cats and 12 dogs, describing her pets as a mood-lifter and better companions than her fellow humans.
© AFP 2024 / Mohammed MahjoubMaryam Al Balushi feeds her pets in her home Oman's capital Muscat on November 20, 2020. - Despite complaints from neighbours and mounting expense, she has accumulated 480 cats and 12 dogs, describing her pets as a mood-lifter and better companions than her fellow humans.
Марьям Аль Балуши кормит своих питомцев в своем доме, столице Омана, Маскате - Sputnik Молдова
Maryam Al Balushi feeds her pets in her home Oman's capital Muscat on November 20, 2020. - Despite complaints from neighbours and mounting expense, she has accumulated 480 cats and 12 dogs, describing her pets as a mood-lifter and better companions than her fellow humans.
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