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Лестница с уклоном 70 градусов в храмовом комплексе Ангкор-Ват, Камбоджа.
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Half Dome, Yosemite National Park.
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Towards the Kalavantin Summit.
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Tourists walk upstairs on a spiral staircase as they visit Taihang Mountain in Linzhou city, central Chinas Henan province, 25 October 2012. Just looking at these stairs is enough to give anyone vertigo, but they are expected to attract thousands of tourists in China. The 300ft spiral staircase has been installed on the wall of the Taihang Mountains in Linzhou to offer the thrill of mountaineering without the danger. But senior climbers beware you have to be under 60 to be allowed on the staircase. Chinese tourist officials in Linzhou, Henan province, hope the stairs will give visitors a real experience of the mountain range.
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«Лестница в ад» на острове Хасима, Япония.
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Лестница с 4444 ступеньками Florli в Норвегии.
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Лестница на горном хребте Уайна-Пикчу в Перу.
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Лестница в Храме Святого Семейства в Барселоне, Испания.
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La cascada llamada Pailón del Diablo (Baños, Ecuador) está formada por el caudal del Río Verde. El salto del agua tiene un centenar de metros de altura y se ha construido una escalera para que se pueda ver de cerca. Pailón es una hondonada y el nombre refiere a la forma de caer el agua. Según cuentan los habitantes del lugar, a veces se puede entrever el perfil de la cara del Diablo entre los efectos del agua en su caída contra las rocas.
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Montagne de Bueren Related to Vincent de Bueren who, with Goswin de Strailhe, commanded the 600 Franchimontois expedition in the night from October 29th to 30th 1468.
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A path up Mount Hua.
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